Green eyes are often considered one of the most captivating and beautiful eye colors. Their rarity and uniqueness imbue them with an air of mystery, making them stand out in a crowd. Enhancing their natural beauty through various makeup techniques can further accentuate their allure.

This comprehensive guide delves into the magic and mystique of green eyes, exploring their genetic origins, the different shades they come in, enhancement tips, and how to achieve this stunning feature with green contact lenses. By the end, you'll surely gain new insights.

Where Do Green Eyes Come From?

Scientists, by analyzing the OCA2 and HERC2 genes primarily involved in green eyes, believe that green eyes may trace back to the Vikings, Celts, and other Northern European tribes. Their migrations spread the green-eye gene across Europe. The Age of Discovery further facilitated trade and migration between continents, allowing the green-eye gene to spread even wider. This explains why green eyes have a regional distribution, mainly appearing in countries like Ireland and Iceland, where lighter eye colors are better adapted to lower sunlight levels.

How Rare Are Green Eyes?

If you're lucky enough to possess a pair of beautiful green eyes, you should be proud because only about 2% of the world's population has this eye color. It is considered one of the rarest eye colors globally.

You might wonder why, despite frequently seeing green-eyed celebrities on TV or online, it's still among the rarest. This is due to the pronounced regional distribution of green eyes. Descendants of Europeans, especially Celts and Germanic peoples, commonly have this eye color. In countries like Ireland, Scotland, and parts of Scandinavia, the proportion of green-eyed individuals is higher, making it a notable characteristic of these populations. Given the striking appearance of green eyes, which suits the big screen well, if you enjoy watching European stars, you might get the impression that green eyes aren't that rare.

Shades of Green Eyes

Did you know that variations in melanin content and its distribution cause different shades of green eyes? Some shades even change under different lighting conditions, which is really cool. This is quite similar to hazel eyes. Here are six different shades of green eyes—see which one you find the most attractive!

Natural Green Eyes

Natural Green Eyes

Natural green eyes typically have a uniform green base color, boasting a particularly pure and natural green without much mixing of other colors. They appear especially vivid under light but may sometimes have yellow or brown spots and usually feature prominent dark limbal rings. Counterintuitively, pure green eyes are rarer than mixed-green ones.

Blue-Green Eyes

Blue-Green Eyes

Often referred to as "aquamarine" or "turquoise" eyes, blue-green eyes combine shades of blue and green. They change color under different lighting conditions—sometimes appearing more blue, sometimes more green. Typically, a pale yellow ring or radial pattern can be seen around the pupil. Blue-green eyes are relatively common in Europe.

Dark Green Eyes

Dark Green Eyes

Compared to natural green eyes, dark green eyes have higher melanin content, making the overall color darker while maintaining a green base. They might occasionally have hints of brown or gray. They appear deeper and richer, looking almost brown in low light but revealing clear green hues in bright light.

Light Green Eyes

Light Green Eyes

Compared to natural green eyes, light green eyes have lower melanin content, reflecting more light and resulting in a lighter color. These eyes typically have a soft green hue, often with some yellow or gray tones around the pupil, giving a fresh and bright appearance.

Hazel Green Eyes

hazel eyes vs. green eyes

The debate between hazel eyes vs. green eyes is a popular topic due to their similarities. Pure green eyes can be distinguished by examining the subtle brown and amber spots and gradients around the green pupil. Hazel green eyes lie in between, featuring a mix of green and brown, usually transitioning from a brown center to green outer areas. Sometimes there may be golden or amber hues. This multi-tonal effect allows hazel green eyes to display different colors under varying lighting.

Emerald Green Eyes

Emerald Green Eyes

Emerald green eyes boast a bright and vibrant green, sometimes with a faint blue or golden sheen. The rich color makes them extremely striking, resembling the luster of a gemstone, imparting a sense of elegance and mystery.

Which Actors Have Green Eyes?

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson has naturally green eyes. Renowned for her unique beauty and exceptional acting skills, she has starred in many famous films such as the "Avengers" series (as Black Widow), "Lost in Translation," and "Girl with a Pearl Earring." Her green eyes add distinct charm and recognition on screen.

Emma Stone

Emma Stone

Emma Stone, an American actress of Swedish descent, is widely acclaimed for her roles in "La La Land," "The Amazing Spider-Man," and "Birdman."

Jennifer Connelly

Jennifer Connelly

Jennifer Connelly is known for her deep green eyes and outstanding acting skills. She has starred in numerous notable films such as "A Beautiful Mind," "Requiem for a Dream," and "Real Steel." Her deep green eyes in her youth were as beautiful as emeralds.

Emilia Clarke

Emilia Clarke

Emilia Clarke, famed for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in "Game of Thrones," has green eyes that perfectly complement her character's powerful presence.

How to Get Green Eyes?

Seeing so many actors with green eyes, you might also want to have beautiful green eyes like theirs. Although eye color is determined by genetics and cannot be easily changed, you can achieve the look with green contact lenses.

Kriseye green colored contacts

Explore Kriseye’s curated selection of green contacts that offer various shades and patterns. With the introduction above, you likely have a favorite style in mind. Just add your preferred style to the cart and wait for delivery to transform your eyes beautifully. Click the image above to shop.

Best Makeup for Green Eyes

Now that you have your desired green eyes, here are some makeup tips to enhance them, making them even more captivating and mesmerizing.


Purple, lavender, and violet are great choices for green eyes as they create a beautiful contrast, making the eyes pop. Earthy tones like bronze, gold, and copper also enhance the natural warmth of green eyes. Use light, shimmering eyeshadows at the inner corners and brow bone to brighten the eyes and make them appear larger.


Deep brown or charcoal gray eyeliners can highlight green eyes without overshadowing their natural color. For a bolder look, try deep burgundy or emerald green eyeliners.


Black mascara is a classic choice, but if you’re feeling adventurous, try green or plum-colored mascara to add subtle color that complements your eye color.

These are just some common makeup techniques for green eyes. You can also enhance your look with lip gloss and hair color. We hope this article gave you valuable insights into green eyes. If you’re interested in other eye colors, feel free to read our other articles.