You might wonder why some people have blue or dark rings around eyes while others do not.

These circles are called "limbal rings." They are usually more prominent in younger individuals and may become less noticeable with age. The presence of limbal rings is also linked to health and vitality and can influence a person's attractiveness to some extent. It's quite astonishing how much mystery these rings can hold. This article will unveil the secrets of limbal rings and teach you how to enhance your charm using them.

What is a limbal ring?

a limbal ring eye

Limbal rings are dark rings or circles that surround the iris of the eye and are located at the junction between the iris and the sclera (the white part of the eye). Their color varies from person to person, usually appearing blue and black.

Limbal ring vs no limbal ring

Limbal rings are very common in populations and are a universal feature in humans. A lesser-known fact is that Asians and Africans, who appear to have solid-colored eyes, also possess limbal rings. However, due to the unique pigmentation characteristics of the eyes in Asians, their limbal rings may not be as prominent as in other ethnic groups. The darker pigmentation of the iris can reduce the contrast of the limbal rings, making them less noticeable.

However, some people are born without limbal rings, which is determined by their genetics. The absence of limbal rings does not affect their vision; in fact, other than the difference in appearance, there is no difference at all. Let us compare the visual differences between having limbal rings and no limbal rings.

limbal rings vs no limbal rings for man
limbal rings vs no limbal rings for women

Limbal rings vary due to individual age and health conditions

While limbal rings are universally present across populations, their visibility and prominence can vary depending on individual factors like age and health. This variation is partly due to the cornea becoming more transparent with age, a natural aging process exacerbated by factors such as UV exposure.

Thus, younger individuals typically have more pronounced limbal rings, while older people or those frequently exposed to UV light may have less noticeable rings. This is why limbal rings can, to some extent, reflect a person's age and health status.

It's important to note that the prominence of the limbal ring varies from person to person and can also depend on genetics and ethnicity. The presence or absence of limbal rings does not necessarily provide clear information about a person’s health or attractiveness. They are just one of many features that affect the overall appearance of the eyes.

How do limbal rings appear differently on various eye colors?

Let's explore how limbal rings appear on different eye colors. The color of the iris affects the appearance of the limbal ring because the color of the ring is essentially a deposition of melanin on the iris, so imagine it as a shade darker than the iris color. Generally, the lighter the iris color, the more prominent the limbal ring.

Limbal rings on brown eyes

Limbal rings on brown eyes

Approximately 79% of people worldwide are born with brown eyes, and because brown eyes have more pigmentation, it is difficult to detect the limbal ring in dark brown eyes. However, people with light brown eyes may have more pronounced limbal rings that appear very noticeable.

Limbal rings on hazel eyes

Limbal rings on hazel eyes

Around 5% of people have hazel eyes, a color typically a mix of brown and green. Limbal rings are generally more prominent in hazel eyes.

Limbal rings on green eyes

Limbal rings on green eyes

Green eyes are one of the rarest eye colors, with only about 2% of the world's population having natural green eyes. The limbal rings in green eyes are very noticeable.

Limbal rings on blue eyes

Limbal rings on blue eyes

In blue eyes, the dark limbal ring is quite prominent and visually appealing. People with blue eyes make up about 8-10% of the world's population.

Why limbal rings are attractive?

Distribution map of limbal ring thickness decreasing with age

Studies suggest that limbal rings contribute to enhancing personal attractiveness. Experiments have shown that the faces of both men and women with dark and distinct limbal rings are considered more attractive than the same faces without limbal rings. Based on evolutionary psychology theories of mate selection, some researchers (like Darren Peshek) believe that limbal rings might subconsciously signal health, youth, and attractiveness to potential mates. However, he also acknowledges that some people are genetically predisposed to not having limbal rings, so this finding does not apply universally.

Visually, deeper and larger diameter limbal rings tend to make the eyes appear larger and more vibrant, thus drawing more attention.

How to increase attractiveness without natural limbal rings

Now that we know the magical effect of limbal rings in boosting our attractiveness and lending a mystical charm to our eyes, it's unfortunate that not everyone possesses perfect natural limbal rings, and they cannot be acquired later in life. For those individuals, wearing Enhanced Limbal Ring contacts can address this issue.
Limbal Ring contacts are particularly suitable for the following groups:

  • Individuals born without a limbal ring
  • Those whose limbal ring has faded due to age or other factors
  • People with deep-colored eyes where the limbal ring is less visible
  • Those dissatisfied and seeking more prominent or different colored limbal rings to enhance their charm

If you fall into one of these categories, you can use Kriseye's limbal ring contacts to adorn your eyes and increase your attractiveness. Kriseye offers a variety of high-quality limbal ring colored contacts, certified by the FDA and CE, suitable for wear by both light and dark-eyed individuals. What's exciting is that by swapping different colored lenses, you can instantly change your eye color and the size of the limbal ring, all while ensuring safety and comfort.

Kriseye Limbal Ring Color Contact Lens Model Picture

We also have a special section for colored contact lenses with no limbal ring for those who wish to change their style. Whether you want to closely mimic natural eye colors while having a more prominent limbal ring to enlarge your eyes or embrace no limbal ring eyes to stand out, Kriseye lets you decide!


The limbal ring is a dark band or circle around the eye, located at the junction between the iris and the sclera. They are usually more prominent in young individuals and may become less visible as one age. The presence of limbal rings may be related to health and vitality and can influence an individual's external attractiveness to some extent.

Limbal rings vary in appearance across different eye colors but are generally harder to detect in darker eyes and more visible in lighter eyes. For those born without limbal rings, wearing colored contact lenses can improve this issue.

Kriseye offers a variety of colored and styled contact lenses, some of which are specially designed to mimic the effect of dark limbal rings, enhancing the visual appeal of the eyes.