Kriseye Wearing instruction

 ① Wash hands: Wash, rinse, and dry your hands.


② Distinguish between front and back.


③ Open eyes: Use your left index fifinger to press the root of your upper eyelashes. Press the root of the lower eyelashes with your left thumb, open your upper and lower eyelids, then lower your head.


④ Wear contact lenses: Using the index fifinger/contact lens remover hold up the lens, and place the lower edge of the contact lens close to the lower part of the eye. Then put the contact lens horizontally into the eyeball, and keep your eyes open the whole time.


How to take off contact lenses

① Wash hands: Wash, rinse, and dry your hands.

② Take off contact lenses: Open the upper and lower eyelids with your left hand, and pinch the contact lenses with your right index fifinger and thumb parallel to the eye.


Adapt to contact lenses:

- It is normal to feel slight discomfort in the fifirst one to two weeks and it will usually disappear on its own.
- Wear it for the fifirst time or wear it again after stopping for a long time, not exceeding 4hrs, add two hours every other day, the max wearing time shall not exceed 8 hours.


Kriseye Reminder:

- Daily disposable contact lenses can be removed and thrown away.
- Monthly and annual contact lenses should be soaked in contact lens care solution for 8 hours before wearing.
If you encounter any problems, you can contact customer service to help you solve them as soon as possible.